What is up my Loathsome Character wikiers? Noticed that creating new pages is off, so I’m going to dump my Player GameToons page I’ve written here to see if it’s worthy of having its own page. This is my first time writing a wiki page so hopefully it’s not too awful as I figure out how it works, fingers crossed. :’)
If I’ve posted this in the wrong place please delete it and I apologize in advance! Constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated!
Gender: Male
Type: Morally flawed protagonist
Age: Unknown (hinted to be 20)
Species: Human
Portrayed by: K. William Scott
Status: Alive
Media of origin: GameToons
First appearance: Fall Guys Logic 1 (Cartoon Animation)
Last appearance: WHO is POU?
Simon “Player” Schmidt is the main protagonist and mascot of GameToons. He made his first appearance in Fall Guys Logic 1 and the series is often centred around him and his interactions with various game and movie worlds.
What makes Player a noob scrub idiot?
- Player is extremely cowardly, usually choosing to flee from difficult situations if he doesn’t have an advantage. He punches down constantly.
- There are many, MANY instances of Player running away from fights he could take on during Poppy Playtime Logic.
- Player will usually leave behind friends and often appears unfazed by their deaths or disappearances.
- During the episode WHO is POU?, Poulina is chained up by Pou and was visibly beaten and tired. Despite her asking Player to run, he should’ve done the right thing and unchained her. Instead, he blows up the entire building in a gas explosion, leaving her behind to die completely unfazed.
- Very self centred, as Player will often choose to benefit himself over others.
- It’s Player’s way or no way, as he constantly ignores advice from his friends, often leading him to make bad decisions which affect everyone around him.
- In Among Us Logic 13, TheGentleman tries to stop Player from making a bad decision that could lead him to being banned. Player proceeds to call him an “old man” in a mocking tone and goes ahead with cheating.
- Awful partner, Player treats his significant others like they’re a liability.
- While originally being an incredibly sweet partner to Noob, over time Player has become a lot more confrontational and whiny. In Among Us Logic 16, he helps to eject her from the game as he believed the lobby’s lies over her pleas. During Squid Game Logic Honeycomb, he tries to rat Noob out to the supervisors as she uses an open flame to help her complete the challenge without being shot. Thankfully Player was ignored, but he put her life into jeopardy over petty jealousy despite Noob literally saving his life in the previous episode.
- In Friday Night Funkin’ Logic, Player is usually very dismissive of Girlfriend.
- Lacking empathy, Player isn’t a very empathic guy and will hold grudges against people he doesn’t like for the pettiest reasons.
- Taking advantage of the mentally unwell? Player mistreats Captain, an individual who treats Player like his Favorite Person. Instead of discouraging Captain’s advances out of discomfort, Player attempts to take full advantage of his unhealthy attachment to him in order to get his own way. When not manipulating him, Player constantly puts him down, saying he can’t do anything right and that nobody respects him. He even ignored Captain’s invitation to his birthday party, leaving him all by himself.
- It’s everyone’s fault but Player’s, as he constantly blames his misfortunes on everyone but himself.
- Player’s short tempered attitude can make communication with him a lot more difficult than it has to be.
- Player can become overwhelmingly egotistical when he finally gets his way, reducing his likability a ton.
- This trait is extremely noticeable during the Friday Night Funkin’ Logic series.
Hold up, good Player qualities?
- On occasion, Player can be shown to show some empathy, such as showing concern for his friend Mr. Cheese while he was going through a rough patch in his relationship.
- Player is shown to do some heroic deeds, such as helping Noob up from almost dying during Squid Game Logic Marbles, this was after he was made to feel bad about the way he treated her however.
- When his best friend Veteran “dies” during The DARKNESS Takes Over GAMETOONS… Player sheds a tear, showing that he is capable of showing emotions other than smugness and irritation.
- Player defeats NoVisor, a creepy visor-less Among Us crewmate who possesses unfortunate players, with him being the next target.
- Player defeated the Darkness, an entity hellbent on destroying the GameTooniverse.
- Deep, deep down I’m sure Player really cares about his friends despite leaving them behind and losing contact for months.
- Player occasionally gets instant karma when he mistreats others, making him interesting to watch.