Aquamarine is a character from the American animated series Steven Universe. She was a Homeworld Gem who was sent out to kidnap Steven Universe’s friends, instead kidnapping Steven, as he is Rose Quartz.
Aquamarine is a small Gem, being less than half of Steven's height. She has a cherubic appearance and a bright cyan-blue complexion, azure eyes, no nose, and chin-length, light cerulean-blue hair worn in a bobbed style. Her clothing vaguely resembles a prep school uniform, consisting of a blue vest worn over a dark blue dress with a white-collar, white wrist-length gloves, white knee-high socks, dark blue flat shoes, and a dark blue hair bow that she can turn into her wand. The intersection of her vest and the lapels of her collar form a Blue Diamond symbol, hinting towards her superior. Her teardrop-shaped gemstone is located beneath her left eye, and her water wings are similar to a butterfly's wings. Her outfit, wings and the use of her stasis wand give her the appearance of a fairy or pixie.
Aquamarine is ruthless, egotistical, rude, and has an arrogant streak. She constantly thinks lower of those around her, and ridicules them. She also will go as far to threaten to kill people who did nothing to her, as well as manipulate people.
Why She’s Intentionally Awful, Small, and Mean
- First of all, she is very cruel and uncaring, and she has very little moments of showing sympathy.
- She manipulates and abuses Topaz, even threatening to kill her.
- She even threatens to kill Steven’s human friends if the Gems do not tell her where they can find "My Dad".
- Most of her quotes are very annoying to listen to, and she pulls off very frightening faces while saying some of them.
- "Look at those organics squirming around."
- "Don't bother listening to that Steven. He is not My Dad."
- "Oh no! You found us."
- "This is getting annoying. Hey, Topaz, can you remind me? I mean, my memory is perfect, but our orders were to bring back these six humans. I'm just not sure. Did they specify... alive? You know, I don't think they did!"
- She also seems to be very self-centered, adding more to her ego personality.
- She returns in Steven Universe Future to take Greg hostage, and kill Steven. She also acts very bratty and condescending in the episode.
- Other than being crushed by Alexandrite, she gets no comeuppance for her actions, making her a Karma Houdini.
Redeeming Qualities
- Della Saba does a great job voicing her.
- She can come off as funny.
- She does almost get poofed by Topaz with a Gem Destabilizer, almost getting karma for her actions.
- She finally gets her comeuppance in her last appearance when she is crushed by Alexandrite after trying to kill Steven with a ice blade, but manages to run away.
- She, along with Eyeball Ruby, are the only characters not to be redeemed. However, Emerald was not redeemed onscreen.
- She, along with Emerald, have the shortest appearances out of all the major villains.